Our mission is to impact the world by reducing impact...


Padding for ski helmets and gear

on People

The technology behind DivGel® was first used by NASCAR in order to safeguard drivers in the event of a crash. In 2000, when Geoff Bodine was involved in a very serious accident at the Daytona 500, he credited our gel technology (which was inserted into areas of his seat) for saving him from severe injury.

Today our gel is used in consumer products ranging from floor mats to athletic safety gear to reduce impact on the human body. Our highest order of business is to safeguard those who use products that include DivGel®.

Cushioning for gloves and helmets

on Products

In addition to reducing physical impact and thereby extending the lifespan of products, our patented gel technology also reduces aesthetic impact on product designs by providing superior shock reduction that is significantly thinner and more streamlined than other padding or foam alternatives.

Our engineering partners work collaboratively with some of the world's finest product designers in order to provide the maximum utility from our gel, with minimal design impact on the end product being sold to consumers.  

Environmentally safe gel polymer

on our Planet

We are constantly looking for new ways to reduce our impact on the planet, both in the way we engineer our products and in the way we run our business. At DivGel® everything begins with our patented gel technology, which is primarily derived from environmentally safe vegetable oils.

From using all-natural materials in our gel to managing a paperless office, our goal is to minimize our impact on our planet.

Company History

The technology behind DivGel® was originally developed by Matt Kriesel, while developing safety technology for NASCAR racers.  In 2000, when Geoff Bodine was involved in a serious accident at the Daytona 500, he credited the gel (which was inserted into areas of his seat) for saving him from severe injury.

Kriesel later went on to form the Impact Gel Corporation in 2002 in order to maximize the potential of this technology for commercial use.  Originally the gel compound was developed for foot soles and other consumer products, and in 2009 celebrity advertiser Billy Mays chose to feature Impact Gel foot soles as part of the Discovery Channel’s PitchMen series.  Since that time Impact Gel has gone on to develop a series of other consumer products including mobile phone cases and saddle pads.

In 2012 Diversified Gel (DivGel®) was created in collaboration with Impact Gel to develop this patented gel technology for further consumer and industrial product uses. Although this technology has been in development for more than a decade, in many ways we are only scratching the surface in terms of its potential.  In test after test from independent labs to the US Military, DivGel® has continued to amaze engineers with its ability to rapidly transfer kinetic force laterally across the gel.  

Today our team is continuing to develop DivGel® technology in order to reduce impact on people, products and our planet.  We believe DivGel® has the potential to be a game changer for a number of industries by significantly improving impact protection in comparison to foam padding and other existing alternatives.  Our goal is to collaborate with top brands in order to improve impact reduction on high-performing products.